R&D focuses on The Czech Republic
The shortage of Danish engineers has contributed to R&D's decision to open an office in The Czech Republic to secure qualified engineers for the rapidly growing company from Hinnerup.
The engineering company R&D has difficulties finding enough competent engineers in Denmark, which is the reason why they are currently seeking qualified labour abroad. The new department in The Czech Republic will support R&D’s business areas to ensure that they can provide the right resources to the customers.
The department is characterised as a Smart Office with a focus on flexibility, where the Czech engineers can supplement the Danish department to meet the rising customer demands.
Shortage of experienced engineers
Finding the right set-up has been an important task for R&D. “When we began to look past our national borders, it was important for us to find engineers who could match the Danish standards,” Thomas Langvad Jensen says, Manager of R&D’s department in The Czech Republic.
R&D chose to open an office in The Czech Republic, as the engineers possess a high professional standard and competences which match the areas in demand. “We are impressed by their professional skills, and therefore it is the right solution to the growing problem,” Thomas Langvad Jensen says.
According to the Danish Society of Engineers, the engineer shortage is a general problem in Denmark because the demand from Danish companies exceeds the supply of engineers. R&D also experiences this problem as a result of the great demand for their services, and therefore has had to recruit more engineers. “We can also feel the shortage of experienced engineers and therefore had to find a solution, so we can continue to offer our customers the right resources in the future,” Thomas Langvad Jensen says.
Internal knowledge sharing
R&D sees great value in the new department, as it will give a substantially bigger networking opportunity inside the Czech market. The presence will contribute to an increasing knowledge of the market and new potential customers. The department will not only support the Danish activities, it will equally be contributing to growth abroad.
“The goal with a department abroad is not only to meet the shortage of resources but also to open up to a new market. The employees in The Czech Republic can assist in terms of the strategic business development and care for potential customers in the areas, since we benefit from their knowledge of the culture, the values, and the norms,” Thomas Langvad Jensen says.
The engineering company has focus on both professional and social initiatives, since they are important elements of the company culture. “We want to have committed employees, since they contribute to a strong culture which strengthens the working environment and our internal knowledge sharing. We also want to integrate this culture into the new department, and therefore we carry out the first part of the intro course in Denmark, where the Czech employees are introduced to the company’s other employees,” Thomas Langvad Jensen says.
Ownership structure:
The company is founded in collaboration with R&D Holding A/S and Christian Juhl, Owner of ESI s.r.o Engineering Services.