Privacy Policy for Job Applicants
At R&D Test Systems A/S (“R&D”, “we”, “us”, “our”), we process your personal information in connection with recruitment when you apply for a job at our company.
You can read about the purposes with and the legal basis for our processing, as well as get an overview of the recipients, the storage of your personal information and the rights you have.
Data responsibility
R&D is data responsible for the processing of your personal information that happens at R&D in relation to a recruitment process.
Purpose and legal basis
Receipt of job application etc.
When we receive your application, you will get a confirmation to acknowledge we have received it. When we go through the applications, we select who we invite for a job interview. This choice is based on your qualifications in regard to the position or positions. The invitation for a job interview will be by e-mail or phone.
As a part of the recruitment process, we receive and process the information you have stated in your application, your resumé and other documents that may have been attached to your application. We might ask you to send us information about previous employments, including information related to tasks, competences and performance, as well as information about personal appearance and cooperation skills. Moreover, we will also procure other information about you that we find relevant for processing your job application.
Our processing of the information you provide us with at your own initiative is considered as your consent. The relevant consent provision in the legislation depends on whether it is standard personal information (The Danish Data Protection Act’s article 6, subsection 1, letter a), sensitive personal data (The Danish Data Protection Act’s article 9, subsection 2, letter a, cf. aforementioned provision), information about criminal offences (The Danish Data Protection Act’s § 8, subsection 3) or civil registration number (The Danish Data Protection Act’s § 11, subsection 2, number 2) that we receive from you.
Execution of interviews etc.
If you proceed in the recruitment process, we will hold interviews with focus on your professional and personal competences, as well as the job description etc. We may take note of some of the information that appears during the interview. We only use the relevant information when assessing whether we will offer you a position or not.
The legal basis for processing this personal information is the Danish Data Protection Act’s article 6, subsection 1, letter f, as we pursue our legitimate interest to evaluate your persona in relation to job content.
Social media
If relevant, we will procure available information from social media, such as LinkedIn and Facebook, about you that you yourself have published.
The legal basis for processing the personal information you yourself have published, is the Danish Data Protection Act’s article 6, subsection 1, letter f, as we pursue our legitimate interest to evaluate your persona in relation to the job content.
If we seek information about you from your current or former employer by collecting references, we will request your consent on this matter before contacting them. The information we collect will, unless you specifically inform us about it, contain the following categories: Information about your employment at former workplaces, including information related to work tasks, competences and performance, personal appearance and cooperation skills, and the background for why you no longer are, or no longer wish to be, a part of the company in question.
The legal basis is the consent you give to use for collecting references, cf. the Danish Data Protection Act’s article 6, subsection 1, letter a.
Use of personality and competence test
In connection with the recruitment process, we can for certain positions use a personality test and/or competence test. The purpose of the tests is to highlight your personal preferences and competences, so we have a starting point for a dialog about your personal resources and behavior. The tests will never stand alone but will be a part of whole picture in order to select the right candidate for the position.
The legal basis for processing the mentioned personal information is the Danish Data Protection Act’s article 6, subsection 1, letter f, as we pursue our legitimate interest to evaluate your persona and your competences in relation to the job content.
Preparation of employment agreement
If we offer you employment, the personal information that is necessary in staff administrative connections will be processed. You will in this case receive further information about this matter.
If it is necessary to process the concerned personal information to prepare a possible employment agreement, the legal basis for processing the standard personal information that appear in the application material is protected by the Danish Data Protection Act’s article 6, sub section 1, letter b,
It is necessary that we process your personal information
Some of the personal information we process about you is necessary to respect our possible future agreement about being employed with you (i.e. to meet the employment agreement we have with you).
In the section ‘Purposes and legal basis’ above, you can see which activities that require the processing of necessary personal information to enter an employment agreement with you. If you do not provide us with the information necessary for entering an employment agreement with you, you cannot be employed with the R&D-concern.
Recipients of your personal information
If you are offered employment at one of our other consolidated companies, your personal information will be passed on to the company you will be employed at. From that point on, the information will be included in this company’s staff administration. Furthermore, your personal information will be shared with our consolidated company in the United States of America.
We entrust your personal information to our data processors that, among other things, host our it-system and provide us with personality- and competence tests. A data processing agreement has been entered with all our data processors.
Transfer to third counties
Your personal information will be transferred to the United States of America. The transfer basis is the European Commission’s standard contract clauses, which we have entered with our consolidated company based in the United States of America.
If you wish to have further information about the transfer of personal information outside EU and EEA, such as a copy of the relevant safety measures etc., you can request this by contacting us via the information in the contact section below.
Storage of your personal information
Rejection on a specific position
If you get a rejection of your application, we will as a rule delete the information, we have about you, which we have processed in connection with the recruitment process, when the recruitment process has ended. This will often be at the same time we sign an employee contract with the chosen candidate and usually a maximum of 180 days after the time you have received a rejection. The same applies if you decline the position.
If you get hired
If you get hired, the information we find relevant, which we have processed in connection with the recruitment process, will be stored with the personnel case, in accordance with the guidelines that applies to this matter. In this case, you will be informed about the processing of your personal information. This also includes that your information can be passed on to the consolidated company in which you have been employed (see paragraph “Recipients of your personal information” above).
Unsolicited applications
If you apply unsolicited, we will as a rule store your application in a maximum of 180 days from the time of reception. If we in this period of time call you to a job interview, your personal information will be processed as outlined above (depending on whether your get rejected or hired).
Your rights
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, you have several rights in terms of our processing of information about you. You can read more about these rights below.
The right to withdraw your consent
In the situations where you have given us consent to handle your personal information, you can at any time withdraw your consent. This can be done by contacting us through the contact information that appear in the section ‘Contact’.
If you choose to withdraw your consent, it does not affect the legality of us processing your personal information from the time of your former communicated consent and up to the time of your withdrawal. The withdrawal will therefore only be effective from the time of withdrawal and onward.
The right to see information (right of access)
You have the right to gain insight in the information that we process about you, as well as some other information.
The right to rectification (correction)
You have the right to have untrue information about you corrected.
The right to deletion
In certain cases, you have the right to get information about yourself deleted before the time of our usual deleting politics.
The right to limit the processing
In certain cases, you have the right to limit the processing of your personal information. If you have the right to limit the processing, we can only process the information – except storage – with your consent henceforward, or for the purpose of legal claims can be determined, made evident or defended, or to protect a person or important public interest.
The right to objection
In certain cases, you have the right to object against our otherwise legal processing of your personal information.
The right to transmit information (data portability)
In certain cases, you have in the right to get your personal information in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, as well as transferred this personal information without restriction from one data controller to another.
Obligatory processing of your personal information
According to the data protection rules, you have among other things, a right to be informed on whether notification of personal information is statutory or a requirement to enter a contract, on whether you are obligated to give personal information and the possible consequences of not giving this information.
In that connection, we note that from the Act on the use of Health Data, a wage earner must inform, from own initiative or on request from the employer, about any known illnesses or symptoms of illness that is of significant importance for the employee’s work ability in the concerned job before the employment.
Moreover, as a potential future employee, you are governed by the standard loyal duty of notification, which includes that you cannot knowingly withhold information that could have importance for your employment opportunity.
Furthermore, it is notified that we – if you are offered employment – have to have certain personal information about you to prepare your employment contract, including your name and your address among other things, cf. the regulations in the Employment Certificate Act
If you do not wish to give the information you are obligated to give according to the regulations in the Act on the use of Health Data and/or in compliance with your loyal duty of notification, or the information that are necessary for an employment contract to be prepared, it will not be possible to offer you a job.
Complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency
If you want to make a complaint about us processing your personal information, you can contact the Danish Data Protection Agency at www.datatilsynet.dk.
You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions about the protection of your personal information, or if you wish to receive more information about your rights. You can contact us on mail@rdas.dk or via the contact form on our website.