Case study
Rain Erosion Tester to UK’s ORE Catapult
ORE Catapult has chosen R&D Test Systems' Rain Erosion Tester, which is designed to simulate the effects of rain erosion at the tips of wind turbine rotor blades.
Erosion resistance is important because a lack thereof can lead to peeling of the blade surface, which results in aerodynamic inefficiency and a potentially large power loss. R&D Test Systems' Rain Erosion Tester enables ORE Catapult to test erosion on various surfaces at the tips of their wind turbine rotor blades.
Tests of the rotor blades will lead to a better understanding of the effect which rain erosion induces on materials. A better understanding of the fundamental physics of erosion, and how it can be reduced will lead to greater efficiency and reduced costs in the development of protective coatings and materials. The test rig will complement ORE Catapult’s extensive blade testing capabilities and research activities and enable them to provide technical analyses and interpretation of test results for their customers.
The rain erosion test rig is an appreciated addition to ORE Catapult's extensive blade research activities and testing capabilities.
Extensive blade testing capabilities
The addition of R&D Test Systems' Rain Erosion Tester to ORE Catapult’s extensive blade testing capabilities reinforces their position as a world-leading expert in wind turbine blade testing. “The rain erosion test rig is an appreciated addition to ORE Catapult’s extensive blade research activities and testing capabilities. It will allow turbine and blade manufacturers to investigate and reduce the effects of rain erosion on turbine blades and test new types of materials and protective coatings,” Kirsten Dyer says, Research Materials Engineer at ORE Catapult.
ORE Catapult has chosen the Rain Erosion Tester as a complete container solution. This set-up has made it possible to ship the test rig from Denmark followed by arrival and installation in UK the same week. The Rain Erosion Tester has been delivered in three 20-foot containers and is ready for use after the initial running-in. R&D Test Systems will assist ORE Catapult with commissioning, SAT tests, and training of employees.
Adjustable test parameters
How can we help you?
For more information on our Rain Erosion Tester, please contact us.