Rain Erosion Tester
R&D Test Systems delivers the first Major Turnkey System to China
The first delivery will be installed at IndeTech Testing Center in Changzhou. This sale opens the doors for R&D Test Systems in the Chinese market.
R&D Test system is happy to announce that the first delivery of the Rain Erosion Tester to the Chinese market will commence in the coming period. It will be installed at IndeTech Testing Center in Changzhou.
The Turnkey system sale is of strategic importance for R&D’s establishment in the Chinese market since it will open the doors for the competences and capabilities of R&D Test systems in China.
Rain Erosion Tester improves the longevity of leading-edge protection systems
The leading edge of a wind turbine’s rotor blade has often to be repaired due to harsh weather conditions and increased rotor speed. Therefore, it is important to investigate how to improve the longevity of the leading-edge protection systems.
The Rain Erosion Tester from R&D Test Systems helps to improve the longevity of wind turbine blades by testing erosion on the leading edges of the blades. This test system has a proven level of repeatability and fulfils DNV GL’s Recommended Practice (DNVGL-RP-0171) “Testing of rotor blade erosion protection systems”.
Accelerated life testing
Our Rain Erosion Tester is based on a 3-bladed helicopter principle with test specimens shaped like standard wind turbine blade leading-edges. Rain field is comprehensive, and this test set-up ensures conditions very similar to real life, especially regarding harsh weather, in an accelerated way.
International acclaimed
The Rain Erosion Tester has earned international acclaim for its reliability and documented repeatability and is widely used by leading wind turbine manufacturers and test centres. So far, eight companies worldwide use the test system, among them LM Wind Power and ORE Catapult.